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Ring of Fire, in Collaboration with Haegue Yang, at Matabe House, Naoshima, Japan
June 21, 2024 (Link will be available soon)
Solar Yang/ Lunar Weerasethakul (with Rueangrith Suntisuk
Pornpan Arayaveerasid, Koichi Shimizu and Akritchalerm Kalayanamitr)

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A Conversation with the Sun (VR) at BOZAR, Brussels, Belgium
Performance dates: September 19-29, 2024

Centre Pompidou, part of Festival d' Automne 2024
Performance dates: October 5-14, 2024

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Apichatpong Weerasethakul @ Centre Pompidou
Rétrospective | Exposition | Performance / Réalité virtuelle |
Rencontres | Publication
From 2 October 2024
Venues: Cinémas, Atelier Brancusi, Grande salle

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Available Now in Limited Quantity

Metaphors: Selected Soundworks from the Cinema of Apichatpong Weerasethakul


Edition of 200

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There was a large ship in my dream and I was with a group of friends. We sometimes went underwater on a mission. The undersea part was a film, and we were actors in it, similar to The Abyss. A peculiar semi-transparent fish approached slowly. It had large eyes and a deformed body; it was hard to describe.

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Once it bit a crew member, the person became semi-transparent a month later. His body began to distort. But his mind was completely conscious. The fish would return and devour him. It was dreadful. It ate and tore his flesh apart as a lion would. All of this occurred underwater.

Then Xxx was bitten, but this time on the ship, which was not the 'film,' but the ‘reality' portion of the dream. We gave her an experimental drug that had been saved by a hospital for comparable situations. She was as happy as she had always been, as if nothing had occurred. But I was worried and kept a watch on her to see if she would turn transparent.

It was a vivid dream—dark blue underwater in slow motion, and brilliant, golden, sunny yellow on the ship and the shore.

© 2024 Kick the Machine Films